Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are your lights on?


The lovely chicka above is our youngest daughter, Janae. She is almost 16. Our oldest was 14 when she was born.  Honestly, the parenting skills that we thought we had honed with the first 4 were challenged to the limit with her over the years. It all started when, as a baby, she stubbornly refused to go to bed without a scene. This strong will and determination resulted in hundreds of interactions that make us smile, now. Like the time I had to spank her (again) for disobedience and she came sniffling into our room asking in her little girl voice, "Do you think it would help...if we called...'Dr. Phil''? Or, when she was upset with me for making her get into her car seat to  make yet another trip to the high school to pick up a sibling. With paper and crayons poised, she defiantly asked, "How do you spell...'I don't love you, Cyndi.'"

I think because she has struggled against the flow, she has developed a tender heart toward others who are doing the same. Whether it's a gecko struggling to get out of a spider web,  a stray kitten fighting to find a way out of the garage, or a friend battling the consequences of bad choices, Janae shows up to help. 


Meet Brandon. He was the kid in school that never seemed to care. At least on the outside. He was introduced to drugs at age 10. His mother died way too young.  He has a half brother he has met only once and several step siblings. He is a super star video gamer but doesn't like books. There's more but I think you get the picture.

Janae got a different picture though. She found him to be a good friend, who was kind to her and easy to talk to. 

Janae decided Brandon just needed to meet God. She told him God loved him and that he should come to church. He told her "No, thanks," but commented that she had a light in her that kinda baffled him. One day, the light won out and he showed up at youth group. The kids accepted him immediately and invited him to an end of school bash on the following Friday.  He came again. The evangelist made an invitation. Brandon accepted. He attended church camp and made further commitments. 

In the last couple of months, we have seen God faithfully at work in Brandon's life. The first book he ever kept in his room was the Bible he was given. He has been reading it. He has had questions. Good ones. He has felt guilty for doing things that before would have barely stirred his conscience.  He has respected our very strict parameters around his friendship with Janae.  He invited his whole family to come to church with him.  They came. He has done yard work for us a couple of times and worked hard and thoroughly.  We were impressed! And this week, he is going to start meeting with Carl for discipleship. 

Obviously, this is early on in the sanctification process. But God is great and good and we are asking Him to complete what He has begun in this young man's life. Will you pray for him and for his dad, Bill and step mom, Christine?  I am having coffee with Christine tomorrow.  I don't know where that will lead, but I am praying that I will be able to reflect the kind of Light to her that Janae has to Brandon. 

In Matt. 5:16, Jesus exhorts us to let our lights shine before men that they may see our good works, resulting in praise to the Father. I think that at times I am so fearful of the dark places in the world that my light  is barely visible there. Janae has challenged me to "let my little light shine." 


  1. I love Brandon. He is my Best friend. we've never fought not once. Him and I get along perfectly and I love the kid to death and beyond. He's always been there and I've always been there for him. He claims that I am the one who helped him quit drugs, but I believe is was Janae. Thank you so much for changing his life. It hurt to see him the way he was.. and it puts a smile on my face to see the way he is now. Thank you Janae. Bless you and your family.

    1. Chance, God uses so much more than one influencer to accomplish what He wants to do in our lives. I'm sure He has you in Brandon's life for a purpose and that He has used you, just like Janae, to direct him to a different path. (And visa versa...Janae tells me you and Brandon have had some good talks lately! I pray you keep it up!) Thanks for your comment though. I can see why Brandon is your best friend.

  2. This reminds us that many people just need someone to love and care for them. Someone who is willing to stop what you are doing for yourself to help a friend to find Christ. Congrats Janae to be this kind of person. Congrats Cyndi and family to receive Brandon with love and grace.

  3. You are so right Liege...love and grace...it's what the Lord has showered on us and what He asks us, as His representatives in the world, to return to others. There is so much joy in this kind of response. I wonder why I don't do it every day at every opportunity!

  4. Thank you for the update! I will be praying for Brandon and your family as you build a relationship with his. Thank you for the encouragement Janae and Aunty Cyndi! It is such a good reminder that God's heart is for the ones that most people would look over. He has a great purpose for Brandon as he continues to commit his life to Him. I so desire a heart that would be stirred with compassion and love towards all. God is doing a work in all of our lives!

    1. Love you Tabitha. I'm so glad God didn't overlook me! And you. And Adam. And (fill in the blank)...
