Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

My blog has been rather silent for the last few weeks.  But silence should not be confused with inactivity! As I have mentioned to many friends, my 88-year-old mother has recently taken up residence with Carl and me and it has taken lots of hard work to make it happen.  We had to sort and reduce a lifetime of pictures and memorabilia as well as a houseful of furniture and "stuff".   I am happy to report that she is 99% settled in her new space with us, though for some reason she is reluctant to let me change her address with the post office yet.  She may be secretly hoping we change our mind...

My 2 siblings, Linda and Steve (and Steve's wife, Sandie) spent a week in May helping me with the moving and sorting process.  Steve and Mom and Linda and I are pictured above.  It was so great to have the additional brain and muscle power since I had been working almost non-stop for 3 weeks prior to their arrival from Chicago and Portland and I was seriously running on fumes.

I know from the many emails I received that this process of moving an aging parent is not a new one and there certainly is comfort in common experience.  But, I also noted that no one said it was a breeze.  Difficulty apparently is part of the common experience.

My sister, Linda, is the oldest of the 3 of us. She is patient, nurturing, kind and understanding. She is a wife, a mother of 9 and a grandmother to 9.  And, she is most often the first to call us to prayer, not after we are in a pickle, but before. One morning, as I was climbing the ladder to delve into the attic, she sweetly reminded, "Would you like to pray first and ask God's blessing on the day?" I sheepishly climbed back down and said, "Sure."

"You know," I said, "you remind me of Mary...(the friend of Jesus who's first priority was to sit at the Savior's feet and listen to Him) and I am more like Martha (the sister of Mary who also loved Jesus but who couldn't relax when there was work to be done...the familiar story is found in Luke 10:38-42.)"

Just then, my brother, Steve, walked out into the garage and Linda quipped, "Oh, and here comes Lazarus!"

Okay, I don't normally like to explain jokes, but this may merit it.  Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha. Lazarus died and Jesus brought him back to life after he had been in a tomb for 4 days. (See John 11.)  Steve wasn't in a tomb for 4 days, but his heart had to be restarted 4 times on the way to the hospital after his recent heart attack, and he was definitely brought back to life! :) We shared a good-natured laugh over that. We needed some comic relief...

Honestly though, I have wondered a number of times why the Lord chose me to serve my mom in this way. My sister is way more patient than I am.  And my brother is a psychologist for goodness sake. Surely they are more qualified to give Mom what she needs at this time of life.  But every time I think, "I just can't do this...", God tenderly reminds me that He knows exactly what Mom needs and He knows me and He designed this arrangement for the greatest growth in both of our lives. Thanks to those of you who have assured me you are praying.

What is God doing in your life to cause growth? I would love to hear!


  1. I love this story! Thank you for sharing :) I can totally see the Mary, Martha & Lazarus thing - you pegged it! I will be praying for you and for Grandma as you begin this new chapter in life.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes because so often I think the same thing to God...I can imagine myself in that same position wondering why. Sometimes I find myself comparing to my more "spiritual" sister and wonder if I even want to be like that. I am thankful for what God has been teaching me recently…that sin has no power over me, that I am a NEW creation, and that by FAITH, I live this life that is not my own...
    Thank you Aunt Cyndi for being an example and so committed to Christ! We have much to learn from each other as a family and I'm thankful that we have a family that will stand with us wherever we are at on our spiritual journey.
